If you find yourself in a difficult marriage that could ultimately lead to separation and divorce, talk to divorce law attorney Robert Coleman to discuss your situation and review your options. He will guide you through the process and the most prudent steps to take to protect your interests, locating and dividing assets, making equitable provisions with your spouse, and protecting the interests of your children. Our services include:
- Separation
- Divorce negotiations/settlement
- Annulment
- Custody, parenting plan and modifications
- Visitation and time-sharing plan
- Child support award and modification
- Alimony / spousal support and modification
- Property division and settlement
- Domestic violence injunctions
- Family law litigation
If you are accused of domestic violence, we can help you protect your legal rights and mount a vigorous defense on your behalf.
Coleman & Coleman has been helping families manage through personal life changes and strife for more than 40 years. We have a reputation of being thorough, considerate of all parties, and skillful negotiators who get results.